- 09:30-10:00 - Arrive/Coffee/Tea
- 10:00 - Intents: Past, Present, Future - Introduction to Intents Day by Christopher Goes from Anoma
Intents for Blockchains
- 10:10 - A Vertically Integrated Intent Supply Chain - 0xbrainjar from Composable Finance
- 10:35 - Intents & Typhon - Isaac from Anoma
- 11:00 - Whiteboard session with Celestia
- 11:25 - Whiteboard Open Q&A with Alex & Barnabé
- Break 11:50-12:05
Intents for Users
- 12:05 - Intents != RFQs - Khushi from Geometry
- 12:30 - The Intent of Offers - Dean from Agoric
- 12:55 - User Facing Intents with Permissions - Nitya from Capsule
- 13:20 - The Case for Curation - Sean from Mekatek
- Lunch Break 13:45-14:25
Intents for MEV extractors good-guy Solvers
- 14:25 - Solvers, LSTs, and Memecoins - Sun from Seven Seas
- 15:15 - Accountability along the transaction supply chain - Sam from Skip
- Break 15:40-15:55
Theory of Intents
- 16:20 - Completing the intents Picture - Quintus from Flashbots
- 16:45 - Whiteboard session with Kshitij from Berkley
- 17:10 - Intent Machines - Christopher from Anoma
- 17:35 - Park Bench State your intents (take 2) - Quintus, K, Chris, apriori (mod)
- 17:50 - Closing remarks by Awa from Heliax
- 18:00 - Dinner Hosted by Zaki (tysm Zaki!)