Web3’sintent-centric OS_

Red fractal in the format of a gem symbolizing Anoma

Anoma is a distributed operating system for intent-centric applications. It unifies underlying blockchains into a single development environment, ending the fragmentation of state and users that limits today’s decentralized applications.

  • User-centric & infra-abstracted
    Put your users at the center of the blockchain experience and abstract away the complexities of underlying infrastructure.
  • Compatible with any chain
  • Composable with everything
  • Uniquely expressive
  • Scale-free & cost effective
  • Programmable data sovereignty

Apps that work like magic

Anoma introduces a new era of decentralized applications where you define the outcomes you want. Declare your intent and let Anoma handle the rest.

From VMTo IM

Illustration connecting different settlements to the intent machine

Build on the intent machine and forget the complexities of smart contracts and cross-chain integrations. Create fully-scalable, expressive apps that provide an unmatched user experience across any chain.

AnagramCMCC GlobalCygnilabsElectric CapitalFigmentZolaCMS CapitalCoinbase VenturesDelphi DigitalDialecticMH VenturesPlassa CapitalPolychain CapitalSpartanAnagramCMCC GlobalCygnilabsElectric CapitalFigmentZolaCMS CapitalCoinbase VenturesDelphi DigitalDialecticMH VenturesPlassa CapitalPolychain CapitalSpartan
Web3's most intents


Join the mages conjuring a more human-centric future for decentralized applications.